Together we have a solid work experience from a large number of companies.
Our expertise is primarily in the field of mechanical engineering and we have many years experience of finding flexible and innovative solutions for customers specific needs.
We have a broad background from for example the following companies,
- Upplands Motor
- Volvo Bergslagsverken/Volvo Penta
- Tingbrand AB
- Protec HB
- Pharmacia
- AB S:t Eriks Betong
- Olsson & Nylund AB
- ATM, A. Tärnström maskinkonstruktion AB
- SECO TOOLS AB i Fagersta och dotterbolag i Alsace/Frankrike
- SCANIA AB i Södertälje
- Uppsala Energi AB
- Self-employed (LALEX)
- Self-employed (LP Innovation AB)
All projects are different and require different solutions. At those times when we do not possess the expertise required for the specific project, we collaborate with partners. Our partners are currently in these areas:
- Industrial Design
- Programing
- Elektronics
- Calculation and simulation
- Assembly
- Production